Rivers of Living Water

Rivers of Living Water
"Out of your innermost being will flow rivers of living water." John 7:38

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Favorable Day Of The Lord

Poor, brokenhearted, captive, prisoner, mourn, grieve, despair . . .

Good News, restored, free, released, favored, comforted, grace, praise

Rebuild, Restore, Renew

What a significant contrast is found in isaiah 61:1-4. The same scripture was used by Jesus in Luke 4:19-20 when He proclaimed that this 'favorable day of the LORD' had come. He ushered in Salvation, and everything intrinsic to such favor, by His redeeming love.

I know the day I accepted the gift of salvation. I was only 8 years old and the scene is as real to me today as it was when I was a child. While I know, and am confident in my eternal security in Christ, I am so aware that God has rebuilt, restored and/or renewed me many times in this life. He has turned my mourning into joy time and time again. He has bound up my broken heart when, really, it didn't seem possible. He has anointed me with gladness in the wake of great sorrow and despair. I am no longer held captive nor imprisoned by life's unexpected hurdles, for I know I am His loved and graced child. It is an amazing thought that He chooses to display His splendor through each of us who call Him LORD.

"I delight greatly in my LORD. My soul rejoices in my GOD for He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness." Isaiah 61:6

I hesitate to post my thoughts most of the time, but this morning I sense God moving me to do so. Some of you may be feeling some or all of the emotions described by Isaiah - the ones that Christ came to redeem. My prayer for each of us this day, is that we walk in the joy provided for us on Calvary; that we embrace this day, The Favorable Day Of the LORD.

Lord, when I am lulled or lured into the mediocrity this world has to offer, when I am prone to cave in to my sorrows and trials, I pray for eyes to see, ears to hear, and the sensitivity to feel Your redeeming grace - Your rebuilding, restoring, renewing DAY BY DAY - grace. I pray You will display Your glory through me, throughout this day - this Favorable Day Of The LORD.

Go with God!
Faith Works!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Transitions and thoughts on Psalm 23

Transitions are a fact of life, but they can be so unexpected and troubling. This blog is for a specific friend, facing a major transition, but I believe it will be an encouragement to many others who are also in transition.

I attended a conference the day I entered a huge transition in my own life several years ago, and was surprised to hear a message on transitions. The speaker said "transitions begin with an ending, and they end with a beginning. In the middle is the wilderness." She went on to talk about the wilderness the Israelites wandered around in for 40 years. I felt defeated when I left that evening because I could not see how the wandering for 40 years, due to rebellion and sin, could be an analogy for this huge transition in my own life. And then God spoke to my heart. He brought to mind the other significant 'wilderness' - the one Jesus was 'led into by the Holy Spirit'. It was a wilderness of temptations and testing, of hunger and thirst, but it was also a wilderness of great power and strength, courage and confidence. Most significantly, I felt the Holy Spirit say to my heart, "it was in this wilderness where Jesus was fully equipped to do the works the Father sent him to accomplish on this earth. He left that wilderness and entered the BEGINNING of his own transition, in great power. AND IT WAS ONLY 40 DAYS, NOT 40 YEARS!!" I was greatly encouraged. I was going through a huge transition with many unknowns, and I would go through a season in the wilderness - the 'in between of the transition' - and I would come out of it just fine. I wasn't there due to my own rebellion, and so I could begin to see this as God's training room for my future; I could confidently embrace it because the Holy Spirit was walking alongside me every step of the way.

When we go through traumatic transitions, the struggles are somewhat expected, though not at all desired or enjoyed, I might add! BUT, when we go through JOYFUL transitions – like the one my friend is going through - I don't think any of us expect a wilderness encroaching on our joy. So I think it catches us quite off guard when challenges arise that we just did not anticipate or see coming. The hope I held onto, and the hope I hold onto for you, is that in this season of adjustment the Holy Spirit has come right alongside you and you will make it through to enjoy the new beginnings of this transition. I pray for the strength and the encouragement of the Holy Spirit, and of friends and family, to see you through just as friends and family saw me through. Oh how grateful I am for all of you!!!

“Yea, though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for Thou are with me! Thy rod and they staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil. My cup overfloweth. Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." (Psalm 23:4-6) AMEN and AMEN!

Sometimes transitions feel like Death Valley! I love that it is only a shadow and shadows only happen if there is a presence of light! I love that we get to feast on His abundance, even though the enemy is all around us! I love that His goodness and His mercy do follow us around everywhere we go - as one might say here in Hawaii - "Like white on rice!" ! And I love that we dwell in His presence, and in His presence we are safe.

"Lord, You show me the path of life. In Your presence there is fullness of joy. In Your right hand are pleasures forevermore" (Psalm 16:11)

Go With God as His grace leads you on.