Rivers of Living Water

Rivers of Living Water
"Out of your innermost being will flow rivers of living water." John 7:38

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


1 Chronicles 19
Each time I read these verses I have the same thought go through my mind and heart – that’s the way it is with Christian brothers and sisters.  If I am in need, you come to my rescue.  If you are in need I come to your rescue.  It is always couched in the thought that on our knees is where we fight the good fight on one another’s behalf.  Here is the scripture from 1 Chronicles 19 that evokes my musings:
10 Joab saw that there were battle lines in front of him and behind him; so he selected some of the best troops in Israel and deployed them against the Arameans. 11 He put the rest of the men under the command of Abishai his brother, and they were deployed against the Ammonites. 12 Joab said, “If the Arameans are too strong for me, then you are to rescue me; but if the Ammonites are too strong for you, then I will rescue you. 13 Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his sight.”
When my brothers and sisters ask me to pray for them, I get to come at the enemy with the entire Host of the Most High God in hot pursuit – and the Most High God ALWAYS does what is good in His sight. Oh, the battle can get rough, but Joab’s next exhortation is God’s exhortation to me as well:  Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in His sight. 
The LORD will do what is right in His sight.  Are there times when it seems the battle is being won by the enemy?  Yes, I have felt that at times.   Are there times when the outcome does not seem right?  Yes, that has happened as well.  And yet I have this intense confidence burning in my soul that God doeth all things well, and so my soul can be at peace.  Even when I do not understand  I know my God is good.  I know He has my back.  I know He goes before me, and I know He walks on the left and the right hand of me as well.  He does so with all the Host of Heaven and He does so through faith-filled brothers and sisters. 
Are we like Joab and his brother, Abishai, kindred spirits who have each other’s backs?   I can say resoundingly that my brothers and sisters in Christ have such kindred, warrior spirits.  All I need do is pick up a phone, send a text or an email and they are on the defense, warring in the heavenlies on my behalf.   I do the same for them because that’s what kindred spirits do.  We have each other’s backs!

Amen, and amen!